Industry Permits and Road Use
Permits and special agreements may be required when using County of Grande Prairie roads.
Provincial Permitted Hauls
Required for all oversized & overweight vehicles. Information and permit applications are available on the Transportation Alberta website site.
Road Use Agreement
Required for any repeated use of County roads such as moving drilling and service rigs, log haul, sand & gravel haul.
To find out if your operation needs a Road Use Agreement call Transportation and Utilities at 780-532-7393 or email them.
Moving a Drilling Rig
A completed inspection permit from Roadata Services is required 12 hours in advance of the move, into and out of each location
For more information contact Road data at 1-888-730-3745 or e-mail them.
Moving a Service Rig
A completed inspection permit from Roadata Services is required 12 hours in advance of the move, into and out of each location
For more information contact Road data at 1-888-830-7623 or e-mail them.
Wellsite Construction
The construction of a new wellsite with an approach requires the following agreements:
Oilfield Approach Agreement:
To apply call Transportation and Utilities at 780-532-7393 or email them.
Pipeline Construction
The construction of a pipeline requires the following permit:
Permit to Cross Highway with a Pipeline:
To apply call Transportation and Utilities at 780-532-7393 or email them.
Crossing a Regional Waterline
To cross a regional waterline, permission is required from Aquatera Utilities Inc.
Road Bond Agreement
Issued for vehicles needing to operate outside of the road ban guidelines.
For more information please call Transportation and Utilities at 780-532-7393 or email them.
Flatline Agreement
Required when a County road Right of Way is used for water transfer.
For more information please call Transportation and Utilities at 780-532-7393 or email them.
Seismic Activity
Required when seismic activity is within or crossing the road allowance. View our Seismic Survey bylaw.