Intermunicipal Development Plan
An Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) is a mutually agreed upon framework between two adjoining municipalities, adopted by both councils, to foster coordination of land use planning, economic development, servicing and transportation needs of the areas adjoined by the municipal boundaries. The Municipal Government Act establishes requirements for IDPs in Section 631.
The County currently has an IDP in place with the following municipalities:
The County is currently developing IDPs with the following municipalities:
- Town of Beaverlodge (to find out more visit the Beaverlodge IDP Engagement Page)
- Town of Wembley (to find out more visit the Wembley IDP Engagement Page)
Frequently Asked Questions
What is an Intermunicipal Development Plan?
An Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) is a long-term and strategic plan between two or more municipalities that is required by the Municipal Government Act (MGA), unless the municipalities choose to opt-out. The IDP’s purpose is to provide a coordinated and collaborative framework respecting land use, servicing and transportation on lands adjacent to the boundaries of the respective municipalities.
The MGA requires that the IDP address:
- future land use;
- the manner of and the proposals for future development;
- transportation systems;
- proposals for the financing and programming of intermunicipal infrastructure;
- the co-ordination of intermunicipal programs related to physical, social and economic development; and environmental matters.
The MGA also requires that the IDP address matters relating to the administration of the plan, including a process to resolve intermunicipal disputes.
How does an IDP impact the use of someone's land?
An IDP does not change what uses are currently allowed on a property. The County continues to be the authority that makes decisions on development permits, subdivision, and rezonings. Land in the County continues to be regulated under the County's Land Use Bylaw. Landowners are able to apply for the same developments that they were able to prior to an IDP because that is regulated by the Land Use Bylaw. Similarly, landowners have the same ability to undertake developments that do not require a development permit, such as structures that are exempt under the Agricultural Act.
An IDP is applied when someone is applying to change the use of their land from what they are currently zoned for to another zoning. The IDP establishes the long-term land use concept for the area around another municipality. The County's Municipal Development Plan (MDP) establishes the long-term land-use concept for the rest of the County. A proposed rezoning proposal will be evaluated based on the concept established in an IDP or in the MDP as a consideration for approval.
What is currently in place for areas adjacent to municipalities without an IDP?
The lands adjacent to municipalities where the County does not have an IDP are regulated under the MDP as Rural-Urban Fringe. Section 12 of the MDP establishes policies for the Rural-Urban Fringe areas, such as what types of applications will be circulated for comment.
Is any land being annexed?
No. IDPs are long-term land use and servicing plans that outline how both municipalities will address the future growth needs of these communities. While IDPs include a framework for potential annexation, including identifying possible areas for annexation, the actual annexation process requires landowner involvement and many other steps before proceeding.
What is annexation?
Annexation involves negotiations between municipal governments, public engagement, a formal review and recommendation by the Municipal Government Board and a final decision by the Lieutenant Governor in Council. The process can take several months to several years to complete.