Retail Sales and Service
Examples of Retail Sales and Service Businesses include:
Agricultural Service and Supply Establishment |
Premises used for the supply of goods, materials or services that support agricultural uses, including the sale and storage of seed, feed, fertilizer and chemical products and the rental, sale, repair or service of agricultural equipment or implements or any combination of the foregoing. May be allowed in CM, RM-1, RM-2, and RM-3 districts. |
Agricultural Supply Depot |
A facility that specializes in the bulk storage of agricultural products and farm supplies but does not include the sale or storage of solid and liquid fertilizers. May be allowed in RM-2 and RM-3 districts. |
Auction Mart (Auctioneering Services) |
A building or lands or portion thereof used predominantly for livestock auctions and may include the auction of agriculturally related chattels on an accessory basis. May be allowed in AG, RM-1, RM-2, and RM-3 districts. |
Auction Room |
A building or lands or portion thereof used for the storage of goods and materials which are to be sold on the premises by public auction, and for the sale of the said goods and materials by public auction on an occasional basis. May be allowed in RM-1, RM-2, and RM-3 districts. |
Automobile Supply Store |
A use, building, or part of a building where equipment and parts used to repair, service or customize motor vehicles are available for retail sale. This does not include any installations or repairs. May be allowed in RM, CC, GC, RM-1, RM-2, and RM-3 districts. |
Big Box Store |
A building with a total floor area greater than 3,700 square meters, whose primary purpose is for the sale of wholesale and/or retail goods and commodities. May be allowed in the CMBJ district. |
Bottled Gas, Sales and Storage |
A facility where butane and/or propane gas is stored in pressurized portable tanks. May be allowed in RM-2 and RM-3 districts. |
Building Supply Outlet |
Industrial premises used for storage, milling, and wholesale sales of a broad range of building materials and tools, and which may include a retail operation. May be allowed in CMBJ, CC, RM-1 and RM-2 districts. |
Bulk Sales Establishment |
The use of land, structure, or building for the purposes of buying and selling lumber, wood, building materials, feed, seed, grain bins, fertilizer, beverages, ice, and allied commodities but does not include any manufacturing, assembling or processing. May be allowed in RM-1, RM-2, and RM-3 districts. |
Caterer |
An establishment in which food and beverages are prepared for consumption off the premises and are not served to customers on the premises or for take-out. This use is not a food and/or beverage service facility. May be allowed in RM-4, CC, and GC districts. |
Convenience Retail Store |
A development with an operation that specializes in the convenient sales of consumer goods, except for the sale of liquor or CANNABIS. May be allowed in GWC district. |
Country Store |
A use or structure, located along a municipal road in an Agricultural District, where goods, wares, merchandise, substances, articles or services are sold to the general public. The size of the retail area shall not exceed 150 m2 (1600 square feet). The store may include a dwelling unit for the owners. This use does not include "CANNABIS RETAIL SALES". May be allowed in AG district. |
Duplicating Shop |
Premises engaged in reproducing drawings, plans, maps or other copy, by computer graphics, blueprinting, photocopying or small offset process. May be allowed in CM, RM-1, RM-4, and CC districts. |
Equipment Rental/Repair |
A development, use, or building for the rental and/or repair of tools, appliances, recreational craft, office machines, furniture, home appliances, light construction equipment, or similar items, but does not include the rental or repair of motor vehicles or industrial equipment. May be allowed in CM, RM, RM-1, RM-4, and CC districts. |
Farmers'/Flea Market |
A development used for the sale of new or used goods and food products by multiple vendors renting tables and space. Vendors may vary from day to day. May be allowed in the RM-4, CC, GC, MU1, and GWC districts. |
Florist Shop |
A retail store devoted to the sale of flowers, indoor plants and arrangements thereof. May be allowed in CC and GC districts. |
Gas Bar |
A retail outlet that is limited to the sale of gasoline and related automotive products, and may include a “Convenience Food Store”. May be allowed in CC, GC, GWC, RM, RM-2, and RM-4 districts. |
Handicraft Business |
The production and selling of handicrafts on a commercial basis. May be allowed in the AG district |
Heavy Equipment Sales, Service, Storage, and Rentals |
A development used for the retail sale or rental of new or used heavy equipment and trucks exceeding 4,000 kg (18,000 lbs.), recreational vehicles, and manufactured homes together with incidental maintenance services and the sale of parts and accessories. May be allowed in RM-2 and RM-3 districts. |
Laundromat |
A self-serve clothes washing establishment containing one or more washing, drying, ironing, finishing or other incidental equipment. May be allowed in MHC, RM-1, CC, and GC districts. |
Market Garden |
A parcel of land where plants, vegetables, flowers and similar materials excluding cannabis, are grown for sale. May be allowed in the AG district. |
Nursery and Garden Store |
The use of land, buildings or structures, or part of buildings or structures, where trees, shrubs or plants are grown or stored for the purpose of transplanting, for use as stock, for grafting, or for the purpose of retail or wholesale. This use does not include "Cannabis Retail Sales" or "Cannabis Production and Distribution". May be allowed in CBMJ, CC, CM, and RM-1 districts. |
Personal Service Shop |
A use of a building or part of a building in which services are provided and administered to the individual and personal needs of persons, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes a barber shop, hairdressing establishment, beautician, beauty parlour, shoe repair and shoe shining shop, formal rental shop, tailor shops, depots for collection and delivery of dry cleaning and laundry, self-serve dry cleaning and laundry establishments. May be allowed CBMN, CC, GC, GWC, and MU1 districts. |
Residential Sales Centre |
A show home or building used for a limited period of time for the purpose of marketing residential land and buildings. May be allowed in MDR district. |
Retail Store |
A development used for the retail sale of consumer goods, from within an enclosed building, except for the sale of liquor or CANNABIS. May be allowed in RM-4, MU1, CC, GC, CBMN, and CBMJ districts. |
Retail Store, Liquor |
A retail store licensed to sell any alcoholic beverage to the public. This use does not include "CANNABIS RETAIL SALES". May be allowed in MU1 and CBMN districts. |
Shopping Centre |
One or more buildings, or part thereof, containing a group of separate commercial uses which is maintained as a single comprehensive unit and located on a single lot. May be allowed in CBMN, CC, and MU1 districts. |
Sod Farm |
The commercial growing of sod through seeding and stripping of topsoil to sell the final product. May be allowed in AG, UR, UR-M, and UR-R districts. |
Supermarket, Minor |
A retail store devoted to the sale of food and associated household items. The development shall be no more than 1,300 m². May be allowed in CBMN, CBMJ, GWC, and MU1 districts. |
Supermarket, Major |
A retail store devoted to the sale of food and associated household items. The development shall be greater than 1,300 m². May be allowed in CBMJ, CBMN, and GWC districts. |
Warehouse Store |
A building or portion thereof for the wholesale or retail sale of goods. May be allowed in the RM-4, CC, and CBMJ district. |
For a full list and definitions of Retail Sales and Services businesses, please refer to our Land Use Bylaw.
Zoning and Required Approvals
Each land use is required to be in an appropriate land use district as listed above.
To determine the land use district of a property, refer to our Map. If your use is not listed on the land use district of a property, you may need to apply to rezone the property.
Municipal Approvals
Development Permits are required for any new or expanding Retail Sales and Services uses, including new buildings, additions to existing buildings, and a change in use or intensification of the use of the land or building.
A Building Permit is required for the construction of a building, including renovations, additions, or a change in occupancy.
Applications can be made online using our Gateway portal.
Provincial Approvals
Certain developments may require provincial approvals or licensing in addition to your municipal permits. Examples where Provincial approvals may be required include:
- If a development is within 800 m of the centerline of a highway;
- If a development will impact a water body or if it diverts and uses surface or groundwater;
- If a development involves the handling of food for consumption, liquor, or cannabis.
Fees for municipal approvals are charged in accordance with our Schedule of Fees, Rates and Charges.
For further information, please contact Planning and Development Services.
This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various municipal, provincial, and federal bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The County of Grande Prairie No. 1 accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically.