Find the department you would like more information about in the list below or view our Organizational Chart.
If you want to contact a specific department member, visit our Department Directory.
Assessment |
The Assessment department keeps current property values and ensures fair and clear property assessments and taxes that follow provincial laws. |
Agricultural Services |
The Agricultural Services department works to protect our farming heritage and promote a strong farming future. They handle issues like pest, disease and weeds and problem wildlife, and help with soil conversation and rural extension services. |
Communications and Marketing |
The County values open and regular information. Communications keeps the public and organization informed through print and online channels and supports other County departments. |
Economic Development |
County Economic Development finds and promotes local economic opportunities to improve the region's quality of life. The department helps businesses grow, attract new investments, and works with others to encourage development. |
Family and Community Support Services |
The County's FCSS is part of a larger provincial program ensuring Albertans have a strong network of social services. County FCSS offers services and programs for students and residents of all ages. |
Finance and Business Planning Support |
Finance and Business Planning Support manages the County's finances and plans for financial stability and sustainability. This includes clear financial reporting and policy making. |
People and Organizational Development |
People and Organizational Development maintains high employment standards and handles attracting and keeping talent. They promote a healthy, safe workplace and develop a diverse and resilient workforce. |
Information Systems |
Information Systems aims to improve efficiency and service through technology. They support and connect the organization, departments, residents, businesses, and the public with innovative IT solutions. |
Legislative Services |
Legislative Services connects County Council, Administration, and the community. They offer support and services, manage County policies, and oversee municipal elections. |
Recreation & Culture |
Recreation & Culture offers various activities to enrich the quality of life for citizens and visitors. The department manages parks, green spaces, cemeteries, recreation and cultural events and programs. |
Planning & Development Services |
Planning & Development Services handles land and development issues, including building permits, inspections, and future land use planning. They are committed to responsible and sustainable development. |
Regional Enforcement Services |
County Regional Enforcement Services leads in policing, public safety, and emergency management. They include Animal Control, a Patrol Unit, a Community Standards Unit, and a County-funded RCMP Enhanced Policing Unit. |
Regional Fire Service |
County Regional Fire Service protects people, property, and the environment. They do so by providing top-level fire and rescue services, fire prevention education, and emergency management. |
Transportation and Utilities |
Transportation focuses on safety, efficiency, and keeping people moving. They maintain roads and clear snow to collect garbage and recycling, and handle underground infrastructure. |