Grants and Scholarships
The County of Grande Prairie invests millions of dollars each year to support projects, programs, and organizations that are enhancing our communities and benefiting residents. Find information about our various grant programs as well as scholarships for students below.
Agriculture Grants
Our Rural Extension program offers assistance with:
Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP) Funding
Your farm or ranch may be eligible for grant funding depending on your operation. Funding opportunities on popular programs such as solar watering systems, fencing, shelterbelts, dugouts, wells and more are available, and still accepting applications.
Association of Alberta Agricultural Fieldman (AAAF) Memorial Bursary
The $1000 bursary is intended for student continuing their education at a College or University. Students must be enrolled in an agricultural or environmental science program. Submit your completed application to the Agricultural Fieldman by September 1st of each year.
Community Grants
The County grants millions of dollars each year in support of local non-profit and organizations enhancing recreation and cultural opportunities for residents. Learn about sponsorship for events, grants for operating expenses and capital projects, maintaining local cemeteries, enhancing our community, and more.
Family and Community Support Services Grants
Grant support for agencies providing local preventative social services.
Operational assistance for organizations providing transportation for County seniors and those with special needs.
Donate your bottles in support of local community groups.
Student Scholarships
County residents enrolled in post-secondary studies for business, commerce or public administration can apply for this annual scholarship.
Northern Alberta Development Council Bursary
The Northern Alberta Development Council provides a bursary for students with First Nation, Métis and Inuit ancestry.
Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA) Scholarship Program
The RMA Scholarship Program is designed to encourage young rural Albertans to pursue further education to enhance the ability of young people to make meaningful contributions to their communities.