We are happy to welcome Hythe residents to the County of Grande Prairie, effective July 1, 2021! We are working diligently to ensure the transition for you is as smooth as possible, and all services continue to be delivered effectively. 

Latest updates 

June 29, 2021

The County of Grande Prairie is ready to welcome the residents of Hythe. Many services are maintained and some changes made as Hythe becomes a hamlet within the County of Grande Prairie. Refer to the  Frequently Asked Questions on municipal services below for more details. 

 Previous Updates

June 10, 2021

The Government of Alberta has officially approved the dissolution of the Village of Hythe through an Order in Council. Hythe will officially become a hamlet within the County of Grande Prairie on July 1, 2021. Until that date, we are working hard behind the scenes to ensure a smooth transition.   


March 31, 2021 

Residents of the Village of Hythe have voted to dissolve into a hamlet within the County of Grande Prairie. The next step is that the Minister of Municipal Affairs, if they choose, will issue a ministerial order to proceed with dissolution. In the meantime, we are working hard behind the scenes to ensure a smooth transition.

Learn more about what the transition will look like by reading the Alberta Municipal Affairs completed its Viability Review Report for the Village of Hythe.

Need assistance? 

The County provides services from our Administration Building, Community Services Building and Public Works Buildings in the hamlet of Clairmont, Monday to Friday (excluding statutory holidays) from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. 

The County of Grande Prairie is responsible for providing services to Village residents effective July 1, 2021. For more information on County services, programs and information, visit our A-Z Services page . 

Receive Updates

We will keep you updated on how and where you are able to access the services you need. Be sure to refer to the Frequently Asked Questions below and subscribe to this webpage by clicking the subscribe button on the right to stay updated on new information as it becomes available. 

Welcome to Division 7 

The County of Grande Prairie is made up of nine electoral divisions, each represented by an elected CouncillorHythe falls within Division 7, which is represented by Councillor Brian Peterson. Meet County Councilview our electoral division map, review Council Meeting schedules, agendas, minutes and more 

Background Information

Alberta Municipal Affairs completed its Viability Review Report for the Village of Hythe and set dates for a Public Information Session as well as a vote on the two options presented in the report. 

The Village of Hythe Council requested the review when it passed a motion Wednesday, April 22, 2020 to Request a Viability Review in response to financial challenges faced by the Village

In May 2020 the Minister of Municipal affairs initiated a review in response to the request.  

Frequently Asked Questions 

Have questions about the Hythe transition? View our frequently asked questions. These questions will be updated as we receive more information. 

 Assessment, Taxes and Payments

Will the tax rate I pay change? 

The Village of Hythe Council passed their mill rate bylaw, setting the municipal property tax rate for 2021, with no change from the previous year.  

For future tax years, Hythe will be a hamlet in the County of Grande Prairie whose municipal tax rates are established by County Council during their annual budget deliberations

How do I pay my 2021 property taxes?
The deadline for property owners in Hythe to pay property taxes is July 31, 2021.  

As of July 1, 2021 

All paymentsincluding property taxeswill be submitted to the County of Grande Prairie.  

  • View more about how to pay your property taxes on our payments page.  

  • If you are not currently on a preauthorized tax payment plan and would like to be, you can set up a payment plan for 2022 to pay your taxes over a 12-month period. You must apply to the County by December 15, 2021. Visit our payments page for details.  

The County of Grande Prairie property tax payment deadline for 2022, and annually thereafter, is the last business day of June.  

What happens if I do not pay my property taxes by the deadline? 
If you do not pay your property taxes in full by the July 31, 2021, due date, established by the Village Council, late payment penalties will apply. Effective August 1, 2021, an 18 per cent penalty will apply to any outstanding balance.
Will my home and property change in value?

Property values will not automatically change following Hythe joining the County of Grande Prairie, and will continued to be assessed by County of Grande Prairie Assessors 

Residential property values are based on the home's market value, which is the price a property is reasonably expected to sell for if sold by a willing seller to a willing buyer. Assessors gather information on ranges of sale prices in the marketplace and use these sales to determine the assessed values. In setting the values on a property, assessors complete the valuation using mass appraisal techniques and statistical data as part of the process for calculating market value assessments.  

Will my address change because of the dissolution? 
 No, addresses will remain the same. 
How do I pay bills to the County? 

Bills and invoices payable to the County of Grande Prairie can be paid in the following ways:  

  • Using your online or telephone banking to set up a bill payment  

  • Online through our website 

  • In person at the County Administration Building located at 10001-84 Avenue in Clairmont 

  • By mail with a cheque made out to the County of Grande Prairie

Visit our Payments page for more information. 

I have automatic payments set up with the Village of Hythe. How will this transfer to the County? 
If you have regular bill payments to the Village set up through your online banking, such as utilities or other accounts receivable, your financial institution will automatically update the details so automatic payments will transfer to the County of Grande Prairie as of July 1, 2021. 

Following July 1, 2021, bills that were previously sent from the Village of Hythe will be sent by the County of Grande Prairie. The logo on the bill will change to the County’s and the total will be payable to the County of Grande Prairie.  

How will my utility bills change?
Utility billing will be changed from monthly to bimonthly, starting September 1, 2021 which will include July and August services.
Will the cost of water and wastewater utilities change?

For now, water and wastewater services will be provided at current rates. Starting July 1, 2021, your utility bill will come from and be payable to the County of Grande Prairie. Payment details, including the process for automatic payments through your bank, are listed above.  

For other questions about water and wastewater services, contact Public Works at 780-532-7393. For details on payments, visit our payments page or call 780-532-9722. 

Where do I find out more about the County of Grande Prairie’s 2021 budget?
The budget is one of the most critical policy decisions Council makes each year. Careful budgeting and sound financial decisions mean better services for our communities and ensure taxpayers are getting the best value for their money.  

The 2021 budget was approved with a zero per cent increase to tax rates. Read more about the County's 2021 budget 

Contact Us
  • 780-532-9722 
 Doing Business with the County
How do I stay up to date on the Hythe transition?

Click on the subscribe button on the right-hand side of this page to receive updates sent directly to your email.

How do I stay up to date about life in the County?

You can stay updated many different ways including: 

County Connections Print Version 

All residents who have a Hythe mailing address already receive a copy of County Connections, a newsletter about programs, services, initiatives and events happening in the community that is circulated three times a year to all County residents. Keep your eyes peeled for upcoming editions. If you do not receive one and would like to be added to our mailing list, contact us at 780-532-9722 or by e-mail

County Connections - E-newsletter 

Subscribe to our free e-newsletter, delivered to your inbox three times a year to stay in the know about programs, services, initiatives and events happening in the community. 

News & Notices 

Read the latest County of Grande Prairie news, including programs, projects and traffic updates 

Connect with Us on Social Media 

Where does the County provide services?

The County provides services from our Administration Building, Community Services Building and Public Works Buildings in the hamlet of Clairmont, Monday to Friday (excluding statutory holidays) from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. 

The County of Grande Prairie is responsible for providing services to Village residents effective July 1, 2021. For more information on County services, programs and information, visit our A-Z Services page.

Will the Hythe office remain open after July 1, 2021?

No, the Hythe office will close permanently as of June 30, 2021. Employees of the Village at its dissolution are deemed to be employees of the County.

Where can I find County web maps? 

Visit our public web map. This tool allows you to print maps, viewing aerial photos, find property information, and obtain driving directions for multiple residential and business locations throughout the County.

Will there be changes to building and development permits or safety codes inspections? 

Building and safety codes services will see minimal changes, as the County of Grande Prairie was already providing this service for the Village of Hythe. Applications will continue to be processed through the County of Grande Prairie. As of July 1, 2021, paperwork and forms will show the County of Grande Prairie instead of the Village of Hythe.  

Starting July 1, 2021, questions and applications for development permits are to be directed to the County of Grande Prairie. The Village of Hythe’s Land Use Bylaw will remain in effect until it can be rescinded and replaced by the County of Grande Prairie Land Use Bylaw by County Council. Any development permits issued during this transition period will be under the Village Land Use Bylaw.  

Where do I find more information about required applications, licenses and permits?

Visit our applications, licenses and permits page for more information.

How does the County support local businesses?

The County's Economic Development department is a great resource for business supports. The department collaborates with a number of economic development specialists and organizations to assist the local business community in regard to trends, policy and advocating.   

Annual business surveys are conducted to gather information from local businesses to understand the needs of our business community. This helps guide the County’s economic development strategies and activities to foster a strong and healthy economic environment throughout the County.  

The County of Grande Prairie Business Support Network is a collaborative space where businesses and supports collaborate and exchange ideas and information on current labour market trends, and to address workforce development, attraction, and retention challenges.  

The Business Support Network hosts roundtables every other month to share best practices, issues or solutions with trends and set the stage for future sessions, workshops or discussions. During the alternate months, the Network hosts one more in-depth presentation or workshop. This is an informative way to learn from professionals in a variety of workforce trends and issues. Read more about the County of Grande Prairie Business Supports 

Where can I access historical information about the former Village?

The County of Grande Prairie has a Historic Resource Committee that oversees historic properties through the County. The committee is comprised of a number of lifelong residents, a member of the Peace Country Historical Society and an authored historian. There are also books on the history of the Peace available for sale at the County office or through our online store. Email Hetti Huls, Economic Development Coordinator, for additional information.

Contact Us

Administration Building  

  • 780-532-9722 

Planning and Development  

  • 780-513-3950  

Economic Development 

  • 780-532-9722  
 Community Facilities, Spaces & Roads
Will road maintenance/service levels remain the same? 
Yes, road maintenance and service levels in Hythe will remain the same after July 1, 2021. The County will complete a full infrastructure review to inform future Council decisions. 
Will our snow removal services remain at the same level as last winter?
Yes, snow removal in Hythe will remain at the same level for the 2021 to 2022 season. 
Where do I receive more information about road maintenance? 

Visit our roads page for more information on road maintenance.

Who is responsible for trail, park and cemetery maintenance in Hythe?

The County of Grande Prairie Parks and Recreation department will manage the cemetery and maintain ditches, trails and parks in Hythe, starting July 1, 2021.  
Where do I receive more information about parks, campgrounds, playgrounds and recreation programs in the County?
 Visit campgrounds for more details about County owned campgrounds, parks and playgrounds.

Who will operate the campground in Hythe?

The Hythe Municipal Campground will continue to operate as usual for the 2021 season. 

Will the cemetery become managed by the County? If so, how do I purchase a cemetery plot?

For questions about the Hythe Cemetery, contact the Parks and Recreation department at 780-532-9727 or email parks and recreation for assistance.

Will the arena and curling rink stay open?

The County of Grande Prairie will continue to support the non-profit groups who operate these facilities in Hythe. 

Will there still be grants for volunteer non-profit groups in Hythe? 

Yes, the County has a number of grant programs available for local groups, including for recreation and culture, seniors transportation, bottle refund donations, and more. Visit County grants for more information. 

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Parks and Recreation


Will the Hythe Library remain open?

Yes, the library will continue to remain open, operated by the County of Grande Prairie Library Board. Access and services at the Hythe Library will remain the same, including existing library memberships.
What will happen to the Library Board?
The Hythe Library has transitioned to become part of the County of Grande Prairie Library Board
What libraries do I have access to? 
As a County resident, you will have free access to several libraries. Visit the County libraries website for more information. 
 Family and Community Supports

I am a Home Support Client in Hythe. Will I continue to receive services? 
Yes, home support services will continue to be provided to clients in Hythe by County of Grande Prairie Family and Community Support Services (FCSS). Each client will be followed up with for information about the program transition. 

What Family and Community Support Services are available to me?

You will receive similar programming through the County Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) as is available to County residents. Visit the FCSS page for information on programs offered.

The following services will continue to be delivered in Hythe:

  • Assistance with forms, applications etc.
  • Information and referrals to other programs and services
  • Home Support Program
  • Programs for children youth, families and seniors

Over the next few months staff will be evaluating the types and level of services required for Hythe and area residents and making recommendations to Council. As communities change and grow, the challenges, needs and services also change and adapt.

The County added an additional Summer Youth Program in Hythe July 13-15. As well, the County hopes to restart the Playcastle program in the fall and will work with other organizations to bring programs into the community to address social issues.

I have no way to get to Clairmont. How can I access services?

Residents can access Family and Community Services (FCSS) services by calling 780-532-9727 extension 2400 or by email. FCSS staff will assess the needs of the client and determine whether the needs can be resolved over the phone or if an in-person visit is required. If the resident is not able to travel to Clairmont, FCSS staff will make arrangements to meet with them either in their residence or in another location. 

Why are Family and Community Services changing in Hythe?

As part of the dissolution process, the County needs to review all services in Hythe, including Family and Community Support (FCSS) services, and consider duplication with County services, the use of taxpayer dollars and the long-term viability of the County as a whole, including Hythe. FCSS services will continue in Hythe and will be equitable with the County FCSS services. 

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Recycling, Waste & Water
Will I continue to receive curbside waste & recycling collection services?
Hythe residents will continue to receive curbside waste and recycling pickup services until further notice. Visit the recycling and waste page for more information. 

What other recycling and waste service are available to me?

As a resident of the County, you will have access to all County recycling and waste management facilities. The West Grande Prairie Regional Landfill is the closest facility to Hythe. Visit the recycling and waste page for more information about our transfer stations, recycling bin locations, and other recycling and waste management programs and facilities available.

Who will be responsible for utility services?

The County will continue to provide the same services as currently in place until full assessment of Hythe’s water and waste systems and operations can be completed. The County will also assess how the utility fees are established with intent to align these with the County’s rates and fees.

Will monthly utility rates change?

Utility rates will remain at the current level in Hythe until the County completes a review of the operational costs, revenues and expenses associates with utility systems in the hamlet. Thereafter, utility users can expect utility rates to change.

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Bylaws & Enforcement
What County bylaws and policies do I need to be aware of?

The bylaws established by Village Council will remain in place until County Council reviews them and decides to remove or replace the bylaws. 

On July 1, 2021, three County of Grande Prairie bylaws will come into effect in Hythe,

All bylaws are available by visiting bylaws. For information, email Regional Enforcement Services or call 780-532-9727. 

What changes will be made to bylaw enforcement?

All services provided by Regional Enforcement Services in Hythe, including Peace Officer, Bylaw Officer, Animal Control and Regional Animal Care Facility services, will continue with no interruption. Hythe Residents will also see continued proactive patrols and complaint responses. 

As noted above, three County of Grande Prairie bylaws will come into effect in Hythe and will be enforced.

Report an occurrence to Regional Enforcement Services quickly using our online form

How do I report a traffic or bylaw violation? 

Report an occurrence to Regional Enforcement Services quickly using our online form or call 780-532-9727.
What animal pound, shelter and adoptions services are available?

Hythe residents will have access to the Grande Prairie Regional Animal Care Facility. The Regional Animal Care Facility provides support and services for animals who may not have an identified owner, require health or behavioural assistance or are found astray and need a home. Visit animal care for more information. 

Do I need a dog license?

The current dog licensing rules established by Village Council (Bylaw 526) will remain in place until County Council rescinds this Bylaw. As of July 1, 2021, If your dog is over the age of six months, you are required to register for a dog license

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Fire Permits & Services
Who will operate the Hythe Fire Department?
County of Grande Prairie Regional Fire Service will take over operations of the Hythe Fire Department. The Hythe Fire Department will transition to a station within the Regional Fire Service and continue to provide the same fire protection and suppression services that are currently in place, uninterrupted. 

Does the Hythe Fire Department need more volunteers?

Yes, the County Regional Fire Service is always in search of community members to become paid responders (paid volunteer) at our rural stations. Ready to make a difference in your community, take on a challenge, and be part of a team? Reach out to County Regional Fire Service at 780-532-9722.
Where do I go to apply for a fire permit?
You can apply for a fire permits by visiting fire permits. If you wish to have an outdoor fire in the County including in Hythe, a fire permit is required.

Am I permitted to use fireworks in Hythe?

Village Bylaw 197 currently prohibits the discharge of fireworks within the Village of Hythe. This will remain in place until either repealed or replaced by County Bylaw.

Contact Us

Where can I learn more about noxious weeds and weed control? 

All landowners, including the County, are responsible for keeping regulated weeds under control as directed by the Weed Control Act of Alberta. As a property-owner, the County is responsible for controlling weeds on County properties as well as directing residents and other property owners to do the same. For questions about weed control in the County or recognizing noxious weeds, visit weed control page or contact the Agriculture department at 780-532-9727. 

Need to report a noxious weed? Report them simply and easily online form or contact the Agriculture department at 780-532-9727.

How can I call to assist with wild animals?

There are a number of wild animals considered as pests of nuisances under the Agriculture Pests Act that can be found in the County:
  • Beavers
  • Coyote
  • Wolves
  • Norway rat
  • Skunk
  • Magpie Trap
  • Wild Boar 

The County has Problem Wildlife Officers that can help you control these animals. Visit problem wildlife for more information. 

 Does the County have equipment available for rent for County residents
Yes, the County has a number of pieces of equipment available for rent including skid sprayers, seedling tree planters, and cattle tag readers. Visit rental equipment for more information. 

Contact Us

County Council 

Where and when are Council meetings held?

The County’s regular Council meetings are held twice per month on Mondays, starting at 10:00 a.m. The County’s Committee of the Whole meets monthly on the last Thursday of the month, starting at 10:00 a.m.

The Council meeting schedule for the upcoming year is reviewed and approved by Council at its annual organizational meeting. All Council and Council committee meetings must adhere to our official procedural bylaws (No. 3119)

During the COVID-19 pandemic, most Council meetings have been held virtually with some held in-person. When provincial public health restrictions are not in place, they are held in Council Chamber in the Administration Building located at 10001 84 Avenue in Clairmont. 

Where do I make a request for the Reeve and Council?

Requests including making presentations to Council, inviting the Reeve or Council members to an upcoming event, and requests for sponsorship, letters of support and grant funding can be made at Council

Where can I find more information about the upcoming municipal election?

Yes, Hythe residents are eligible to run for County Councillor of Division 7 in the upcoming municipal election.

What municipal division is Hythe in?

The Hamlet of Hythe is part of Division 7. 

Which Councillor represents the Hamlet of Hythe?

Hythe is represented by the Division 7 County Councillor. Councillor Brian Peterson currently holds the Division 7 seat. 

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