Damage Claims
If you experience damage to your property as the result of actions performed by the County, you should complete a Damage Claim Form. The form can be used for reporting both automobile and property damage.
Submitting A Claim
We will need the same type of information your insurance company needs including estimates, receipts, photographs along with a detailed description of the damage. The form will guide you through the required information.
Once the form is submitted the County's Risk Management and Insurance Coordinator will contact you within 30 days.
What's Next
The County will investigate the damage and respond to you verbally followed with a written confirmation of results. If it is found that your claim is valid , the County will pay your damages either through the County's Minor Claims for Damage policy or through our insurance provider.
Important Information
When circumstances involve any of the following, they become subject to a claim to the County's insurers regardless of value:
- All bodily injury claims.
- Claims involving a risk of liability to the County.
Where required by law or due diligence either the RCMP, Regional Enforcement Services, or both will be notified.