Learn how to set up your MyProperty profile and add your utility accounts to your profile.

Frequently Asked Questions -Utility Accounts

Why is the County switching to a new billing system?

Our new billing system improves your customer experience with easier access to your information.

 What do I need to know about the new utility bill look?
While your utility bill looks different it still has all the essential details you need. It will also include your new account number and access code. You will need this to set up your utility account.


 Will my account number change?

Yes, your account number has changed. This is important to know as you will need to change it the next time you pay your utility bill. 

Do I need to change my account number with my financial institution to continue preauthorized payments?

Yes, it is important that you change your account number with your financial institution to ensure you are making payments on your own utility account. 

What do I do with my new account number?
Customers will need to change/use their utility bill

account number when paying in the following ways:

- Online banking

- Online via My Payments (credit card)


Customers will need to bring their new bill when

paying in the following ways:

- In-person at County offices

- In person at a financial institution


When paying by mail, customers need to include

the payment stub.

Where do I find my new account number?
You will find your new account number at the top of your new utility bill. 
Why does my utility bill include an access code? 
The access code is used to add your utility bill to your profile. 
How do I get access to the system? 
You’ll need to create a profile to get access to the new system. (see below for rest of this answer on how to set up)
How do I set up a profile? 

Start creating your profile.

  • Go to myproperty.countygp.ab.ca
  • Click CONTINUE on the next page.
  • Click the SIGN UP NOW link found below the Sign In button.
  • Input your email address and click SEND VERIFICATION CODE.
  • Check your inbox for an email from Microsoft on behalf of the County of Grande Prairie. Copy the code from the email, return to the webpage, and
  • input the code in the VERIFICATION CODE line. Click VERIFY CODE.
  • Choose a PASSWORD for your profile
  • and input your name.


Fill in the registration form.

  • If using the form to register a business, enter the BUSINESS NAME. Skip if entering a home address and start by entering house number in HOUSE field.
  • Once you have completed the registration form, click CONTINUE.
  • This completes the MyProperty profile set up process.
  • This is a one-time profile set up process.
  • Rest assured, all information is safe and secure.

How do I get access to my utility account? 

After you have created your profile, you can add your utility account.

  • Type in your ACCOUNT NUMBER and your personal ACCESS CODE from the top of your utility bill.
  • Sign up for E-BILLING to receive electronic access to bills. As of April 2024, utility bills will no longer be emailed to customers.
  • Click REGISTER to add this account to your profile.

Repeat this process if you have more than one County Utility Account.

Can I access previous utility bills in the system?

Yes, you can see your previous utility bills in the system.

Is my billing information secure with the new system?

Yes, your billing information is secure with our new system. We have robust security measures to protect your information. 

Why should I sign up for E-Billing?

As of April 2024, utility bills will no longer be emailed to customers. However, customers can sign up for e-billing when adding a utility account to receive notification that their e-bill is available online. 

What is MyProperty? What services does it offer?

MyProperty is an online service that provides residents and business owners access to information about their County of Grande Prairie utility accounts. 

Can I register my tax account?

Access to property tax accounts will be available when Property Tax and Assessment Tax Notices are delivered later this year.  

Where can I get more information?

Discover the new system at: www.countygp.ab.ca/myproperty  



Phone: 780-532-9722

Email: ar@countygp.ab.ca


Frequently Asked Questions -Property Tax Accounts

 Why is the County switching to a new property assessment and tax system?
It provides more convenience for property owners. Our new system provides easy access to your property assessment and tax accounts and online property tax payments. 
 What do I need to know about the new property assessment and tax notice look?
While your property assessment and tax notice looks different it still has all the essential details you need. 
 Where do I find my new access code and what do I use it for?

You will find your new access code at the top of your property assessment and tax notice.


You will use your roll number and access code to add your property tax account to your MyProperty profile. 
 How do I set up a MyProperty profile? 
 Start creating your profile.
  • Go to myproperty.countygp.ab.ca   
  • Click CONTINUE on the next page.
  • Click the SIGN UP NOW link found below the Sign In button.
  • Input your email address and click SEND VERIFICATION CODE.
  • Check your inbox for an email from Microsoft on behalf of the County of Grande Prairie. Copy the code from the email, return to the webpage, and
  • input the code in the VERIFICATION CODE line. Click VERIFY CODE.
  • Choose a PASSWORD for your profile
  • and input your name.


Fill in the registration form.

  • If using the form to register a business, enter the BUSINESS NAME. Skip if entering a home address and start by entering house number in HOUSE field.
  • Once you have completed the registration form, click CONTINUE.
  • This completes the MyProperty profile set up process.
  • This is a one-time profile set up process.

Rest assured, all information is safe and secure.

 How do I get access to MyProperty tax account? 
After you have created your profile at myproperty.countygp.ab.ca, you can add your property tax account.
  • Type in your ROLL NUMBER and your personal ACCESS CODE from the top of your property assessment and tax notice bill.
  • Click REGISTER to add this account to your profile.


Repeat this process if you have more than one County Property Tax Account.
 What are the options to pay my property taxes?
  •  When paying by credit card (online via My Payments), you’ll need your roll number and NEW access code.
  • When paying via online banking you’ll need your roll number, which hasn’t changed.
  • When paying in person at County offices or at a financial institution, bring your new property assessment and tax notice remittance portion (bottom section).
  • When paying by mail, include your property assessment and tax notice remittance portion (bottom section).
 Is my billing information secure with the new system?
Yes, your billing information is secure with our new system. We have robust security measures to protect your information. 
 What other services does MyProperty offer?
MyProperty is an online service that provides residents and business owners access to information about their County of Grande Prairie utility and property tax accounts. 
Where can I get more information?

Discover the new system at: www.countygp.ab.ca/myproperty  


Phone: 780-532-9722