Majority of Businesses Report Satisfaction Doing Business in the County – The Committee received a report for information on the Business Retention and Expansion survey results and support efforts. Results include 91 per cent of businesses surveyed are satisfied with the County as a place to own and operate a business, and 90 per cent would recommend the County to another business looking to expand or relocate.

Five surveys have been conducted with County-based businesses since 2018, with results identifying opportunities for expansion, retention or further support.

What We Heard Report on Plan Your County Public Participation Project – The Committee received an informational update on Plan Your County. The project is the County’s initiative to review its land use frameworks, plans, bylaws, and other documents that guide planning and development. This year, the project has focused on the development of a Hamlet Resiliency Strategy and reviewing the Municipal Development Plan.

Over the spring and summer of 2023, staff engaged with residents, community groups, and other stakeholders on the potential growth of nine County hamlets, as well as goals and priorities for municipal development across the County. The Committee reviewed a What We Heard Report summarizing public feedback and a Hamlet Resiliency Strategy report. Engagement will begin again this fall and continue into 2024.   

Residents can learn more about the project, read the reports, and sign up to receive project updates on the project page.

Economic Development Second Quarter Report – The Committee received a report for information on the Economic Development department’s Second Quarter activities and future planning. The report included an update on regional initiatives, business supports, and investment attraction efforts.

Welcoming New Businesses – The Committee received a report for information from Economic Development on standardizing the process for welcoming new businesses to the County, including identification, welcoming, and ongoing communication.

The Committee also provided feedback on potential options for a business licensing program in the County, emphasizing knowledge of businesses operating in the County and compliance with existing zoning regulations.  

Northwest Polytechnic – The Committee received an informational  update from Shawna Miller, Board Chair and Dr. Vanessa Sheane, President and CEO of Northwestern Polytechnic. The update included enrollment growth, strategic goals, and new and collaborative programs.

Grande Prairie Regional Agricultural & Exhibition Society – The Committee received an informational update from Brad Richards, Board President, and members of the leadership team of the Grande Prairie Regional Agricultural & Exhibition Society who operate Evergreen Park. The update outlined events, including record attendance at the 2023 Grande Prairie Stompede, and a financial overview of the year-to-date.

Pivotal Energy Partners Inc. – The Committee received an informational report from Pivotal Energy Partners Inc. on their operations as a midstream energy company, including current operations with a facility in Clairmont and opportunities in the Huallen area.  

Council Boards and Committees – The Committee received an informational summary of various boards and committees, both internal to the County as well as inter-municipal and community committees.

The Committee recommended to Council to direct Administration to update applicable documents for three County boards and committees, allowing the Chair and Vice-Chair to be appointed by the Committee following the annual organizational meeting in October. The updates will apply to the Agricultural Service Board, Council Internal Advocacy Committee, and Family and Community Support Services Board.

Grant Connection Program – The Committee received an informational update on the Grant Connection Program, a database of grant funding opportunities. Previously, the database was available through Peace Library Services, which includes County Community Libraries. Currently, local organizations seeking grants can access the database through the Grande Prairie Public Library and the Grande Prairie Regional Association of Volunteer Organizations.

Committee of the Whole Task Lists – The Committee reviewed the Regular Council Meeting task list to August 28, 2023, and the Committee of the Whole Meeting task list to July 27, 2023.

The next Regular Council Meeting will take place on September 11, 2023. The next Committee of the Whole Meeting will take place on September 19, 2023.

Council and Committee meetings are available to the public via live stream. Find connection instructions and meeting agendas through the events calendar on the County website.