Committee of the Whole Highlights April 25, 2024
April 25, 2024
La Glace Homeschool Skateboard/BMX Park and Pump Track Proposal – Two students from the La Glace Homeschool presented a proposal to build a skateboard/BMX park and pump track in the Hamlet of La Glace. The Committee directed the students to further research additional options and praised the students for their presentation.
Grande Prairie Regional Association of Volunteer Organizations Update – The Grande Prairie Regional Association of Volunteer Organizations (GP-RAVO) provided an update of its activities to the Committee. They formally requested continued support of $30,000 annually for the next three years (2025-2027) through the Community Assistance grant line. The Committee directed Administration to recommend to Council the inclusion of the funding request to be presented at the 2025 Interim Budget for consideration.
Housing Security- Addressing housing security concerns, Administration presented various affordable housing options in the County of Grande Prairie, drawing from insights outlined in the 2023 Housing and Service Needs Estimation. The Committee directed Administration to develop low risk options for affordable housing in the County of Grande Prairie and bring back the information to a future Council Meeting for discussion.
West County Regional Landfill Options -Administration presented options for the West County Regional Landfill, which were previously presented to the West Grande Prairie Solid Waste Authority. The joint authority between the County and surrounding participating municipalities maintains, controls, and manages this regional solid waste landfill system. In December, the landfill changed operations due to lower-than-expected cell capacity. Further studies have been completed and options will be presented to all partner municipalities.
Financial Reports - Administration presented the 2023 fourth quarter capital expenditure and financial summary report for informational purposes.
Clairmont Centre for Recycling and Waste Management - Administration brought forward additional information to the Committee as requested regarding the Clairmont Centre for Recycling and Waste Management including current scale lifespan and replacement costs as well as the waste card program.
Council and Committee meetings are available to the public via live stream. Find connection instructions and meeting agendas through the events calendar on the County website.
The next Regular Council Meeting will take place on May 13, 2024. The next Committee of the Whole Meeting will take place on May 31, 2024.
Council and Committee meetings are available to the public via live stream. Find connection instructions and meeting agendas under Council Meetings on the County website.