Dunes West Wildfire Update #19 | 10:00 p.m. | Changes to Call Centre and Reception Centre Hours
Crews are preparing for several days of challenging conditions with hot and dry weather in the forecast.
Current Status of the Dunes West Wildfire
The wildfire continues to burn out-of-control at an estimated 1,581 hectares.
With hot and dry conditions in the forecast, firefighting crews will continue reinforcing the perimeter around the fire, protecting homes, and quickly targeting any hot spots that are identified, guided by drones. Helicopter support and bucketing will continue tomorrow. A helicopter will also flyover the area to complete thermal mapping, which will provide crews with more detailed information about hot spots that may be hidden in vegetation.
80 military personnel are assisting crews directly with home protection.
The total number of hectares and boundaries of the active fire area represents the outer boundary of where the wildfire has burned. Crews are working hard to prevent further spread of the fire. These figures will not notably decrease as crews tackle hot spots throughout the entire area.
Residents in evacuation alert areas must continue to stay prepared to leave their home in 30 minutes if fire conditions change. Information on how to return home safely is available on Returning to Your Home — GPREP – Grande Prairie Regional Emergency Partnership.
Residents are urged to be prepared for the situation in case the fire escalates and to stay tuned to Alberta Emergency Alerts.
Change in Call Centre and Reception Centre Hours
The Reception Centre at Bonnett’s Energy Centre closes at 11:00 p.m. Effective tomorrow, hours of operation for the Reception Centre and the Call Centre are 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Thank you to crews and residents
We extend heartfelt gratitude to the firefighters and emergency crews that continue to work to contain the wildfire while conducting ongoing monitoring for flare-ups and hotspots to prevent further spread of the fire.
Thank you for all the residents helping with the estimated 2,500 acres of field and farm in the evacuated area that are being disced and seeded for additional fire protection. Significant progress was made by farmers today.
Progress on Utility Repairs
Utility crews made significant process in assessing and repairing infrastructure over the past few days. Electricity and natural gas have been restored to the majority of homes in and around the affected area, while Aquatera continued flushing waterlines.
Temporary Access Permits
Temporary Access Permits are available at gprep.ca.
Evacuees who had a Temporary Access Permit denied can reapply. The denial would have been based on the current condition at the time of the application.
Approved permits are for one temporary access. Evacuees will need to reapply to have temporary access again. The backlog of temporary access permits has been cleared through the day, and residents are encouraged to re-apply if needed.
Increased patrols are being conducted within barricaded areas. Proof must be provided of a temporary access permit, if asked by RCMP, Enforcement Services, or checkpoint personnel at barricades.
For Agricultural producers needing access to be able to farm, please contact the County of Grande Prairie’s Agricultural Fieldman, Sonja Raven, at 780-876-6936 for a contractor permit.
Evacuee Information and Resources
Over 1,091 residents have registered with the Reception Centre, located at Bonnetts Energy Centre.
Information about emergency funding support available for evacuated Albertans is available at Wildfire emergency updates | Alberta.ca.
The Dunes West Wildfire Information Line is available at 1-825-606-5092.
Next Update
The next update will be available at 10:30 a.m. on Friday, May 12.
Media Contact:
GPREP Information Officer
Do you have questions about the wildfire as a resident? Please call the Dunes West Wildfire Information Line at 1-825-606-5092.