February 26, 2024

La Glace Regional Recreation Centre –Council appointed Councillor Rosvold, Councillor Chrenek, and Deputy Reeve Peterson with Councillor Balderston as alternate to the existing La Glace and District Agricultural Society Project Committee. The County’s Policy K16 – Funding of Major Community Projects stipulates that funding of major community projects, whereby the County’s financial contribution is at or above 50% of the total cost and/or over $250,000, requires additional oversight. Council also directed administration to designate appropriate points of contact to facilitate communication and coordination.

Council recommended administration bring back further information to a future council meeting in terms of a project managers scope of responsibilities, and financial implications to oversee the La Glace Recreation Centre in collaboration with the La Glace and District Agricultural Society.

2024 Fire Guardians Appointed Council approved the appointment of this year’s fire guardians to assist with issuing permits and educating residents on safe burning practices during fire season which began February 20, 2024. Contact information for this year’s fire guardians will be available at www.countygp.ab.ca/fireguardians.  

2024 Victims and Survivors of Crime Week Funding Application Council supported a grant funding application for the 2024 Victims and Survivors of Crime Week May 12-18, 2024, to be submitted to the Department of Justice Canada. The project will focus on creating awareness and understanding of cybercrimes that target older adults and youth, by providing practical tools to residents to better protect themselves against fraud and create awareness.

Canadian Motorcycle Tourism Association – Council approved a total of $5,000 ($2,500 for utility costs and an additional $2,500 for the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of D-day) funding request from the Canadian Motorcycle Tourism Association for the Veterans Memorial Garden & Interpretive Centre.

Bylaws Approved – Council approved the following bylaws:

  • Bylaw 3222 – Subdivision Authority Bylaw. Council gave third reading with amendments.
    Council repealed Policy M11 Subdivision Time Extensions.
    Council assigned Nick Lapp, Reed Desroches, and Michael Coralejo to be appointed as Subdivision Officers under the Subdivision Authority Bylaw.
  • Bylaw 3223 – Municipal Planning Commission. Council gave third reading.

Cropland Lease Services – Council approved the following agreements:

  • The County enter into agreement with Tim Probst for the Cropland Lease services for the lands surrounding the West Grande Prairie Regional Landfill, leasing 306 acres of municipally owned land, with the lease fee set at $50.00 per acre.
  • The County enter into agreement with Mitch Cote for the Cropland Lease services for lands surrounding the Clairmont Centre for Recycling and Waste Management, leasing 142 acres of municipally owned land, with the lease fee set at $80.53 per acre.

Public Hearings Council held the following public hearings:

  • Council gave third reading to Bylaw 2680-24-007 to redesignate 20.21 acres of land located adjacent to the south boundary of the Town of Sexsmith in the Emerson Trail subdivision north of Highway 672 and west of Range Road 61 from the Agricultural (AG) District to the Highway Industrial (RM-4) District.
  • Council recessed Bylaw 2680-24-008 to allow the agent to speak with the applicant and to allow the applicant to appear in-person to the March 25, 2024, regular Council meeting.

Municipal Reserve Designation Removal – Council directed administration request that the Registrar of Land Titles remove the designation of Municipal Reserve from 0.18 acres of land located north of Highway 43 and east of Range Road 62. Municipal Reserve is land that has been designated for public parks, public recreation areas and schools.

Alberta Government’s Wapiti Recreation and Trail Management Plan – Administration presented a report provided by Alberta Forestry and Parks outlining their engagement activities for Wapiti Recreation and Trail Management Plan project.

Proposed Zoning Change Petition Update – The petition was deemed insufficient.

Sponsorship requests – Council approved the following:

  • A $2,000 ($1,000 Silver and $1,000 Delegate) sponsorship request from the Community Futures Grande Prairie & Region for the Hyper Drive Women in Business Summit to be held in Jasper, Alberta on March 15 to 17, 2024.
  • A $2,000 sponsorship at the gold level request from the Community Planning Association of Alberta (CPAA) for the 2024 Annual Conference to be held in Red Deer April 29 to May 1, 2024.

Notice of Motion – A notice of motion was presented to administration to compare the cost comparisons between different types of private sewage systems and present findings at a future Council meeting.

Staff Introductions Council welcomed Sam Love as the new Planner with Planning and Development Services.

The next Regular Council Meeting will take place on March 11, 2024. The next Committee of the Whole Meeting will take place on March 4, 2024.

Council and Committee meetings are available to the public via live stream. Find connection instructions and meeting agendas through the events calendar on the County website.