January 27, 2025

Aquatera Utility Bylaw Approved — Council gave final reading to Bylaw #3246 Aquatera Utility Bylaw as presented. The new bylaw includes a 4.5 per cent annual increase in water and wastewater utility services, effective March 1, 2025. Residential Clairmont customers are expected to see an increase of approximately $5.69/per month, while remaining County residential customers on Aquatera systems will see an increase of approximately $5.34/per month. While Aquatera continues to explore opportunities to avoid increasing costs, periodic increases are required to ensure the rate matches the cost of delivering essential services. Over the next four years, Aquatera will be undertaking a significant capital infrastructure addition and replacement cycle.

Shared Tower 4G and 5G Pilot Project Update — Council received an information update from Administration that representatives from Shared Tower have notified the County they will not be moving forward with the 2022 Shared Tower 4G and 5G Pilot Project due to lack of interest from the service provider.

Policy Updates:

  • Hamlet Area Structure Plan Policy Updated — Council approved Policy M17 – Hamlet Area Structure Plan Incentive Program as presented. The Policy implements grant opportunities to help support the long-term planning for the hamlets of Bezanson, Dimsdale, Elmworth, Hythe, La Glace, Teepee Creek, and Valhalla Centre through land-use planning, infrastructure reviews, and other developments. The grant includes waiving an eligible Area Structure Plan (ASP) application fee of $10,000 and providing funding of up to 25 per cent, or a maximum of $30,000, of the total cost of completing the ASP to help plan for future growth.
  • Historic Resource Signage Policy Updated — Council approved the updated Policy M16 – Historic Resource Signage as presented. The policy provides guidance to Administration on creating, installing, maintaining, and placing historic resource signs throughout the County.
  • Information Systems Security Policy Updated — Council rescinded Policy R1 – Electronic Devices, Messaging Tools and Internet Use and approved the new replacement Policy R3 – Information Systems Security as presented. The new policy provides a more robust set of guidelines and procedures to protect the County's technology and information assets.
  • Bond Agreement Policy Updated — Council approved the updated Policy N49 – Bond Agreement as amended. The policy covers long-term maintenance and repairs of existing County roads. In additional to general wordsmithing, the revised policy includes an updated securities refund structure involving removing the 50 per cent refund upon inspection at the end of road ban season, with the remaining 50 per cent removed within one year of the first inspection.   

Clairmont Drainage Report — Council received an information report from Administration highlighting a timeline of previous drainage maintenance work completed for 96 Street and 101, 102, and 103 Avenues in the Hamlet of Clairmont.

Wedgewood Homeowners’ Association Funding Request — Council took no action on the request from the Wedgewood Homeowners’ Association for funding options to assist with their operating costs.

Sponsorship Approved for 2025 World Jet Boat Racing Championship — Council approved a $10,000 sponsorship to Jet Boat Racing Canada for the 2025 World Jet Boat Championship being held on June 24-30 in Grande Prairie; Peace River; and Taylor, British Columbia.

Public Hearings — Council held the following public hearings:

  • Council gave final reading to Bylaw #2680-25-001 to redesignate 2.02 hectares of land located approximately five miles north of the Town of Sexsmith and adjacent to Range Road 62 from the Agricultural (AG) District to the Country Residential (CR-5) District.
  • Council gave final reading to Bylaw #2680-25-002 to redesignate 2.02 hectares of land located approximately five miles north of the Town of Sexsmith and adjacent to Range Road 63 from the Agricultural (AG) District to the Country Residential (CR-5) District.
  • Council gave final reading to Bylaw #2680-25-003 to redesignate 12.35 hectares of land located approximately 2.50 miles south of the Hamlet of Hythe and adjacent to Township Road 730 and Range Road 110 from the Agricultural (AG) District to the Country Residential (CR-5) District.
  • Council gave final reading to Bylaw #2680-25-004 to redesignate 4.35 hectares of land located approximately six miles northeast of the Hamlet of Clairmont and adjacent to Range Road 51 from the Agricultural (AG) District to the Country Residential (CR-5) District.
  • Council took no action on Bylaw #2680-25-007 to redesignate 20.5 hectares of land located approximately 4.8 miles northeast of the Town of Sexsmith at the intersection of Highway 2 and Township Road 744 as the applicant withdrew their rezoning application.
  • Council gave final reading to Bylaw #3245 – Transfer of Plan 9524096 Lot 8 Environmental Reserve to Agent of the Crown. The 3.36-acre lot is located approximately 3.10 miles south of Grande Prairie and adjacent to Highway 40 and Range Road 62. The transfer will accommodate the development of the Highway 40 Bypass.

November 2025 Committee of the Whole Meeting Date Changed — Council approved moving the November 27, 2025, Committee of the Whole Meeting to Monday, December 1, 2025, due to a scheduling conflict with the Family and Community Support Services Association of Alberta Conference.

The next Regular Council Meeting will take place on February 10, 2025. The next Committee of the Whole Meeting will take place on March 3, 2025.

Council and Committee meetings are available to the public via live stream. Find connection instructions and meeting agendas under Council Meetings on the County website.