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July 24, 2023 Council Highlights
La Glace Water Connection Fees – Council approved a $15,000 standard County Waterline Recovery Fee for all new connections on systems owned and operated by the County. Council directed Administration to provide further information to a future Council meeting on user categories to allow for payment of the waterline connection fee over 20 years for the residents of the Hamlet of La Glace.
Tender Awarded – Council awarded the Development of a Regional Transportation Operational and Funding Plan tender to Watt Consulting Group in the amount of $74,790, to be funded by an Alberta Community Partnerships grant. The intermunicipal project will be managed by the County of Grande Prairie in partnership with the City of Grande Prairie, and the towns of Wembley and Beaverlodge.
Recreation Services Agreement Extended –Council authorized a one-year extension of the Recreation Services Agreement between the Town of Wembley and the County in the amount of $107,689.03.The agreement expired on December 31, 2022, and the extension should allow sufficient time to negotiate a new agreement.
Hythe Legion Supper – Council volunteered to cook a supper at the Legion in Hythe on December 1, 2023.
Corporate Business Plan Update – Administration provided an information update on the County’s Corporate Business Plan.
Meeting and Event Attendance – Council authorized the following:
The Reeve to attend the Alberta Enterprise Group event on July 31, 2023 in Calgary, Alberta.
The Reeve or designate and Chief Administrative Officer or designate to attend the Alberta Industrial Heartland conference and networking reception on September 14, 2023at the Edmonton Convention Centre. Council directed Administration to extend an invite to the County’s representatives from Alberta Counsel to also attend the event.
Council authorized the Reeve and Chief Administrative Officer, or their designates, to attend the 2023 Economic Developers Alberta Ministry Dinner on October 18, 2023 in Edmonton, utilizing the tickets included with the Gold Partner sponsorship. Council directed Administration to extend an invite to the County’s representatives from Alberta Counsel to also attend the event.
Council authorizes Reeve Marshall and Councillors Beaupre and Peterson to attend the Maskwa Medical Clinic meetings on behalf of the County.
Sponsorship Requests– Council approved the following:
A $2,500 sponsorship request from the Beaverlodge Blades Junior Hockey Club for the Beaverlodge Blades Hypnotist, Dinner and Dance event on September 1, 2023.
A $2,000 Gold sponsorship for the Beaverlodge Firefighters Association’s Annual Fireman’s Ball on September 9, 2023 at the Beaverlodge Community Centre.
A $750 Silver sponsorship for the Archie Harvey Memorial Golf Tournament on August 18, 2023and approved Councillor attendance at the event.
Staff Introductions –Council welcomed the following staff to the Planning and Development Services department:
Cindy Paton as Economic Development Officer – Investment Attraction.
Stacy Florendo as a Planning Summer Student.
Rosslin Abrego as an Economic Development Summer Student.
The next Regular Council Meeting will take place on August14, 2023. The next Committee of the Whole Meeting will take place on July 27, 2023.
Council and Committee meetings are available to the public via live stream. Find connection instructions and meeting agendas through the events calendar on the County website.