November 1, 2022 Committee of the Whole Highlights
Pilot project for improved network coverage – Representatives from Shared Tower, an organization that works to address network coverage and capacity in urban, suburban and rural markets, presented a proposal to the Committee to improve wireless telecommunications services in the County and wider region. The Committee recommended to Council that Administration work with Shared Tower to identify locations for a pilot project to launch one 4G and one 5G Monopole. These Monopoles will work to improve existing network coverage in identified areas of the County. The Committee also recommended to Council that Administration work with Shared Tower to create an engagement framework and economic study for the pilot project.
Grande Prairie Regional Hospital Foundation Funding Update – The Committee received a funding update from Keith Curtis, Executive Director of the Grande Prairie Regional Hospital Foundation (GPRHF), for the Key to Care Capital Campaign, specifically regarding the implementation of the Patient Bedside Engagement System component of the project that the County committed significant funds to in 2018. The Foundation continues to work alongside Alberta Health Services to establish specific details of the program.
2023 Seniors and Accessible Transportation Grants – The County provides operational grant support to organizations that offer transportation for recreation, medical appointments and shopping trips to seniors and individuals with physical and cognitive disabilities. The Committee deferred Seniors and Accessible Transportation Grant requests for a total of $36,850 to the 2023 Interim Budget Deliberations. The Committee also directed Administration to invite the City of Grande Prairie’s Transit Manager to a future Committee of the Whole meeting to present details regarding the Grande Prairie Accessible Transit program, as well as communicate to grant applicants that ridership fees are recommended.
Old Bezanson Townsite Update – The Committee heard a presentation about the historical significance and future potential of the Old Bezanson Townsite, a County owned recreation asset, and expressed their gratitude to the volunteers that continue to care for and maintain the site.
Alberta Environment and Parks Quarterly Update – Administration, along with representatives from Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP), provided a regular update to Council, including the status of the Saskatoon Mountain Recreation Area and Kleskun Hill Natural Area, as well as trail connectivity from the new Highway 40 pedestrian underpass to existing County trail infrastructure on Township Road 704A, through the Wapiti Recreation Area.
The Committee directed Administration to schedule an update from the Parks and Recreation team on capital projects and project priorities at a future Committee of the Whole meeting.
Support for Hythe Tree Drop Festival – The Committee recommended to Council that the Hythe & District Agricultural Society receive previously allocated grant funding and a gift in kind to assist with moving the tree stand and loaning street barricades for the 2022 Tree drop.
Third Quarter Financial SummaryReport – Administration presented the County of Grande Prairie’s finances for the third quarter of 2022 to the Committee, including year-to-date actual revenues and expenditures compared to approved budgets and third quarter capital expenses.
Deferred Letter of Support – The Committee referred a request for a Letter of Support from a group of Nurse Practitioners in the region to a future Regular Council Meeting.
Review of Upcoming Agenda Items – The Committee reviewed topics scheduled for upcoming Committee of the Whole meetings.
The next Regular Council Meeting will take place on November 14, 2022. The next Committee of the Whole Meeting will take place on November 24, 2022.
Council and Committee meetings are available to the public via live stream. Find connection instructions and meeting agendas through the events calendar on the County website.