October 21, 2024

Organizational Meeting – The County held the annual organizational meeting in which Division 5 Councillor Bob Marshall was acclaimed as Reeve and Division 1 Councillor Amanda Frayn was acclaimed as Deputy Reeve. For details, see the media release.  

Prior to conducting the election of Reeve and Deputy Reeve, Administration reviewed the secret ballot voting procedure which was confirmed by Council resolution. Following an election by their fellow Councillors, the Reeve and Deputy Reeve took the Oath of Office.  

Council Governance – Council reviewed the following significant bylaws and policies:     

  • Bylaw #3239 – Procedural Bylaw: Administration proposed amendments, and Council gave third and final reading to the bylaw.
  • Bylaw #3238 – Council Code of Conduct Bylaw: Administration presented a re-write and Council gave third and final reading to the bylaw with two amendments.
  • Policy F10 – Council and Board Member Honoraria and Expense Reimbursement was approved as presented.
  • Policy F11 – Council Decision Making Framework was presented for information.
  • Policy F12 – Council and Administration Communication Framework was approved with an amendment to change the financial and capital progress reports from monthly to quarterly.

Boards and Committees Appointments – Council reviewed a list of boards and committees that will be available by the end of the week at www.countygp.ab.ca/committees.   

2025 Meeting Calendar – Council approved the 2025 Council, Budget, and Committee of the Whole meeting dates.

The next Regular Council Meeting will take place on October 30, 2024. The next Committee of the Whole Meeting will take place on November 28, 2024.

Council and Committee meetings are available to the public via live stream. Find connection instructions and meeting agendas under Council Meetings on the County website.