Organizational MeetingThe County held the annual organizational meeting in which Division 5 Councillor Bob Marshall was elected as Reeve and Division 6 Councillor Peter Harris was elected as Deputy Reeve. For details, see the media release 

Prior to conducting the election of Reeve and Deputy Reeve, Administration reviewed the secret ballot voting procedure which was confirmed by Council resolutionFollowing an election by their fellow Councillors, the Reeve and Deputy Reeve took the Oath of Office.  

Council Governance – Council reviewed the following significant bylaws and policies for information:     

  • Amendments to the Procedural Bylaw were reviewed and Council gave all three readings to Bylaw 3197 – Procedural Bylaw
  • Policy F11 – Council Decision Making Framework 
  • Policy F12 – Council and Administration Communication Framework 
  • Policy F10 – Council and Board Member Honoraria and Expense Reimbursement 

Boards and Committees AppointmentsCouncil reviewed a list of boards and committees. A complete list of committee appointments will be available by the end of the week at   

2023 Meeting Calendar – Council approved the 2023 Council, Budget and Committee of the Whole meeting dates, with amendments to two dates  

Tri-Municipal Event Attendance – Council appointed Councillor Beaupre to attend an event in Calgary on October 26.  

Motion of Support – Council supported Councillor Rosvold’s application for Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA)Zone 4 Director at the RMA Convention in November.    

The next Regular Council Meeting will take place on October 25, 2022. The next Committee of the Whole Meeting will take place on November 1, 2022. 

Council and Committee meetings are available to the public via live stream. Find connection instructions and meeting agendas through the events calendaron the County website.